StockZoomAI: An AI To Help You Find Stock Market Opportunities With Less Effort

Ayo Ijidakinro
2 min readJan 16, 2024

The Core Concept Underlying StockZoomAI is DCF

Stock Zoom AI helps you find investment opportunities with less effort.

The methods StockZoomAI uses help make you money because StockZoomAI is built around the best method for valuing stocks, Discounted Cash Flow (DCF).

No other method for valuing investments is more reliable or more accurate than DCF.

The DCF Engine

The DCF engine is the core component that calculates the DCF valuation of THOUSANDS of stocks every day.

As a StockZoom AI user, you get a daily email with the latest DCF numbers for thousands of different stocks, including companies like: Tesla, Microsoft, Netflix, Nvidia, Meta, Google, UPS, FedEx, etc.

You can read about an early version of the DCF engine, here.

Below is just a partial list of some of the thousands of companies that Stock Zoom AI analyzes each day:

(See the list here:

Stock buy & sell alerts

DCF is only the beginning of the analysis StockZoomAi uses to find investment opportunities in the U.S. stock markets.

Not to mention, we have yet to discuss the AI part of StockZoomAi.

But also, StockZoomAi uses other metrics, to be explained in future articles, to identify stocks that are a great buy and to warn you about stocks that seem overvalued.

Follow me to get more information about StockZoomAI

Over the next weeks and months I will write more about StockZoomAi to explain how it works and the code and math behind it.

I will also start to explain the AI components that allow StockZoomAi to read patterns in the market.

If you want to learn more about StockZoomAI, or to give it a try as a part of your investment strategy, follow me to stay up to date.

Also, please hit “clap” as many times as possible. Doing so helps me share more information about Stock Zoom AI.



Ayo Ijidakinro

I’m a software engineer turned entrepreneur. Technology, SEO, and Marketing are my passions. Over the last 36-months my ads have made $1.36+ million in sales.